The Dwarka School is operational since June 2009 and has classes from Nursery to Std X. The school is affiliated to CBSE board, Delhi and follows the CBSE board curriculum. It draw the curriculum from the NCERT’s National curriculum and enriches and expands it to use a creative interdisciplinary approach.
The school campus is planned on 6.5 acres land and is laid out to provide a safe, caring and stimulating environment for the children. The school promotes a democratic learning space taking from the pattern township where it is located. Class sizes of 36 students allow for individual attention and different paces and style of learning.
The School has state of art, drama, dance, Music and arts studios, science lab, a library with separate area for primary and secondary books, outstanding sports facilities, a multimedia centre and IT facilities for effective learning.
The objectives of the school
- Affordability and accessibility for all
- Secularism and rationalism
- Balance between academic work, sports and fine arts.
- Opportunity for each child to excel
- Develop confidence, caring and communication.
Principal’s Desk
Dear Parents,
Like everything around us, education too, is undergoing a massive change every day. Today, the advent of technology has changed the very definition of conventional education and has created new avenues and challenges for the teachers. Dwarka school is equipped to face these challenges as it is equipped with the latest books, games and technology that have become an absolute must for today’s generation. We have a unique approach to education that ensures we teach our students not to be mere literate citizens, but be educated thinkers who can go on to become individuals and leaders of tomorrow.